Fans Call Actress Juliet Ibrahim Cheap...

Oh oh Ghanaians!!! or should I say Africans? Growing up I was told that no matter what you do people would have something to say about you (good or bad). Being a celebrity in our environment surely doesn�t come easy�if you show off expensive things you would be slandered and if you are seen with not so expensive things they will say you are cheap. Juliet Ibrahim showed off her H&M shopping bags during a recent trip to the Netherlands on instagram and it caused some sort of debate on her page. Some fans felt she was too big to be shopping at H&M, while others felt she was being real. Is anyone too big to shop at H&M though? Unnecessary pressure from �our few enlightened ones� . Anyway as for me I love shopping at Primark well well.. lol� check out what people had to say about Juliet on instagram�.