Abeiku Santana Meets Airport Taxi Drivers (VIDEO)

Gilbert Abeiku Aggrey, nicked “Abeiku Santana” renowned Ghanaian media anchor and ambassador for Ghana tourism is intensively glued to the enthusiasm of uplifting tourism to a different level of understanding of what it definition portrays.

The strategic communicator’s topmost concern is to shine the light on the need to utilize tourism in Ghana and make it our business as concerned citizens of the country.

Abeiku Santana on his way to an executive tourism board meeting in Kumasi, briefly held an open meeting with the Taxi operators at the Kotoka International airport in Accra, revealing how important and how supportive their work as taxi drivers can contribute to the growth of tourism in Ghana.

He charged them to be very open in conversations with customers at any given time they pick them up from the airport to their supposed destinations within the city, especially with tourists & non-Ghanaians visiting the country for the first time.

“Most of these tourists tripping in the country need guides of hotels, restaurants, sight-seeing ventures and other interesting places they can hangout. As taxi drivers this is where your work becomes very essential to the customers. You will support them locate most of these areas and make their stay in the country a very soft one. Feel free and give out your call cards to them to communicate with you when it’s needed during their stay” – Abeiku Santana educated.

The tourism ambassador did state that; Hotels around the airport vicinity must take it up upon themselves to employ or work with some of these taxi drivers in order to make movements within the city very flexible for their clients.

Video below: