30 Day Butt Challenge

One of the best ways to improve the look and shape of your rear is to take on the 30 Day Butt Challenge. The 30 Day Butt Challenge is a series of exercises which target your gluteal muscles as well as your leg muscles.

In addition to being a great way to kick start your fitness journey, the 30 Day Butt Challenge, when done properly, will help you get sexier legs and butt.

Just like with any program, the results you will see from taking on the 30 Day Butt Challenge will vary based on how dedicated you are to properly and consistently performing the moves. Additionally, your diet also plays a significant part in the kinds of results you will see from this program.

The further you get into the 30 Day Butt Challenge, the more difficult the exercises will become. This challenge is perfect for those who are limited on time but are looking to tone up their glutes and legs.

The workouts that are part of the challenge do not take long but they will make your thighs and buttocks burn. Therefore, if you are looking for a way to get a toned butt and thighs without spending hours at the gym, then the 30 Day Butt Challenge is something worth trying.

For best results, it's recommended that you add some cardio to your routine. Examples of cardio exercises to add to your routine include: jogging in place for a few minutes, skipping for 90 seconds or performing 10 burpees.

Below are examples of exercises that are included in the 30 Day Butt Challenge

1. Glute bridges: The reason why people love glute bridges is because they are easy on the knees while at the same time hard on the glutes and hamstrings. In order to properly perform a glute bridge, lay down on the floor facing up with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. While engaging your glutes and core, lift your hips up towards the ceiling until there is a straight line between your shoulders, hips and knees. Hold the "up" position for a few seconds and then slowly lower your hips.  If you are looking to make this move more challenging, you can do it with a rubber band around your legs slightly above your knees. You can also add weight or you can do single leg glute bridges.

2. Jump Squats: In addition to being great for your cardiovascular system, jump squats will help you tone your booty and build power in your legs. In order to do a jump squat, start out the same way as you would when doing a regular squat. Then, jump up while engaging your core. After that, when you land, get back down into the squat position and repeat for the required number of times.

3. Squats: There are many variations of squats that are often explained in the 30 Day Butt Challenge. Squats can be done with or without weight. Additionally, you also have the option of doing sumo squats. Not only that, but you can also do single-leg squats. Whatever type of squats you do, make sure that you do it with proper form in order to decrease the likelihood of a knee injury.

4. Lunges: When done properly, lunges will definitely make your glutes and quads burn. However, if done improperly, you put yourself at risk for a knee injury. To perform a lunge, stand with your feet shoulder width apart with proper posture. Then, step forward with one leg while keeping your chin up. As you're stepping forward, engage your core and glutes and lower your hips until both knees are bent to 90*.

5. Side lunges: Side lunges are similar to forward lunges except that you step out to the side. You can do them with a dumbbell or a barbell for added resistance. Often times, the 30 Day Butt Challenge will provide variations on how to make each move easier or more challenging depending on the participant's fitness level.

6. Glute kickbacks: These can be done standing or while on all fours. Just like any other exercise, they can also be done with or without weights. If you are looking to make your glute kickbacks more challenging, use ankle weights. While standing, hold on to a desk or chair in front of you. Then, kick your leg back as far as you can while engaging your glutes.

7. Lateral Leg Lifts: Just like the name suggests, lateral leg lifts is an exercise that involves lifting your leg sideways while engaging your gluteus medius and minimus.  If you are standing, find something to hold onto for balance. If you find this move too easy, try adding ankle weights.

As we can see, the 30 Day Butt Challenge involves progressively overloading your leg and glute muscles using a variety of different exercises and combinations of exercises.

There are many variations of the 30 Day Butt Challenge, as far as how many reps and sets of each exercise you should start with. However, the principle is the same.