‘My Expertise In Politics Has Been To Ignore Insults’ – Kojo Yankah

Founder of the African University College of Communications (AUCC) and former editor of the Graphic Newspaper, Kojo Yankah, was criticized after he made an appeal to the former President, John Dramani Mahama, to rethink his decision to contest the 2020 elections.

Kojo Yankah, who made the appeal in a post on Facebook mentioned that his admiration for the former President deepened after he lost the 2016 election and accepted the results accordingly.

The AUCC founder asked the former President to reconsider his decision since no leader of any country has been able to solve all the problems of that country.

“To the best of my knowledge, you performed to the best of your ability with the team, message and strategies you brought on board”, he added.

Some supporters of former President John Dramani Mahama who did not take the advice of Kojo Yankah lightly attacked the educationist on social media.

Kojo Yankah in a recent Facebook post noted that he is familiar with critical expressions of One’s opinion; that is the virtue of living in a free society.

According to him, his practice has been to ignore insulting, unproductive and discourteous remarks most of which are borne out of ignorance, disregard or disrespect of other people’s opinions, and a total lack of understanding of the issues at stake.

Read the Full Post Below:

Democracy, Freedom of Expression and the National Good.

It’s a test of our ability to make progress while we debate that has been exhibited since my last post. I am familiar with critical expressions of One’s opinion; that is the virtue of living in a free society. My practice has been to ignore insulting, unproductive and discourteous remarks most of which are borne out of ignorance, disregard or disrespect of other people’s opinions, and a total lack of understanding of the issues at stake. My long experience with communication teaches me that insults have never won an argument, let alone an election.