UTAG’s ‘Blanket Statement’ Not Worth Responding To – Education Ministry PRO

The University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) has rejected a seven-member interim committee formed by government to manage the affairs of the University.

UTAG contends the dissolution of the governing council “frowns on the autonomy of the University and smacks of political interference.

A statement signed by the Association's President, Prof. Eric K. Forkuo, said the lecturers will advise themselves should "the Government insist on going forward with its interim arrangement".

However, the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Ministry of Education, Ekwow Vincent Assafuah says there is no need to give importance to KNUST-UTAG's statement because "the Constitution of Ghana gives the President the power to appoint and disappoint".

According to him, the lecturers should have given alternative solution to the current situation instead of giving a 'blanket statement' without any 'basis'.

The PRO who was speaking in an interview on Peace FM's morning show 'Kokrokoo', Friday, told sit-in host, Nana Yaw Kesseh that "...making allegations on the basis of law and failing to provide those basis in his statement, make blanket statements, I don’t think it is worth responding to honestly. From top to bottom (of their statement) they (UTAG) have failed to provide the supposed or so called law showing government how to deal with issues of such instance; and they are saying that we rather erred when they have failed to provide the alternative?"

"Do we have to always criticise everything for the sake of criticising or is it the case that somebody is doing the bidding of a friend or a member? In any case, I am yet to come to terms with what UTAG is saying," he added. 

Government, on Thursday, dissolved the governing council of the KNUST and tasked the 7-member council it (government) put together, to with immediate effect, find solutions to happenings in the school.

Government also directed that the university be reopened within fourteen days to enable academic work to continue.

The Interim Council, chaired by Nana Effah Apenteng, Paramount Chief of the Bompata Traditional Area, has a three-month tenure.