Creative Arts Industry Holds Enormous Potential For Wealth And Job Creation

Nana Fredua Agyeman Ofori-Atta, Board Chairman of the National Theatre of Ghana, has pledged its determination to ensure that the creative arts industry continues to remain the anchor for the preservation, promotion and development of the Ghanaian culture.

It was, therefore, doing everything to give the needed support and direction to make the industry became more vibrant.
He was addressing a meeting held with concert party groups in Accra.

He reminded the groups to endeavor to do things right, become pro-active and to accept to fight for the collective good of the industry.

Nana Fredua said popular, educative and entertainment programmes by Concert Party Groups had the capacity to foster unity among the diverse ethnic groups in the country through the promotion of cultural interaction and inter-ethnic understanding.

Through their hilarious educative drama, they present topical social issues facing the country.

“It is also a platform for creating, identifying, developing and unearthing more budding stars for the creative arts industry.”

Concert party, he added, had been contributing to the nation’s human development, job and wealth creation, and poverty elimination.

Nana Fredua encouraged the creative arts’ bodies to rigorously undertake and promote research to enable them to obtain information that would allow them to make informed decisions - empower them to understand various issues of life.

Players in the industrial arts should place a high value on the industry, to earn it the pride and respect that could only be achieved through collective effort and unity, he said.