Common Conversation Killers

Does it feel like it's been weeks (or even months) since you talked about more than housework with your guy? There could be a few reasons your dialogue has dried up. Not enough time: You don't need hours and hours to have long, drawn out discussions. Set aside 15 minutes at the end of the day to play catch-up. Check in with each other, talk about how you're both feeling and at least make sure that you spend some time (even a small amount) talking each day. Boredom: When you get in a rut - either personal or a relationship rut - it can feel like there's nothing to talk about. Solve this problem by trying something new together. Take a class, sign up for a sport or even take a weekend road trip somewhere you've never been. The excitement will spark conversation and boost your bond. Stress: Stress can be a major conversation killer. If you can't stop thinking about work or the fact that you're behind on a major project you may not feel like talking. But discussing what's bothering you can actually help. Even if your partner can't help solve whatever issue has you freaked out, he can offer support. You'll feel better (and less stressed) having voiced your concerns and who knows, maybe your man can offer a fresh perspective.