Nation Must Not Ignore President Mills' Wife

The narrow-minded and self-seeking Mafioso cabal that have surrounded President Mills, all these years, have done their worse now after using the President for their own ends until his last breath. It is Naadu Mills that I grieve for. These unelected and often faceless corrupt and corrupting ruling elite have snuffed the last breath out of President Mills, and with the president gone their power base has been temporarily deflated. Now, as the country deals with this shock and try to come to terms with this death, these esoteric ruling elite will go into caucus to plot their way back into commanding power. The power crisis will now centre around who is going to be �chosen� as the vice-president. What I can say is that this narrow-minded ruling elite that has surrounded President Mills and caused his eventual death will go their way to ignore Nana Agyeman Rawlings at their own peril. And surely they will as their boundless greed will blind them to the fact that it is their continued hold on the exercise of state power that has set the country back as demonstrated by their corrupting minds and hands that have engineered all the financial scandals that have come to characterize the Mills/Mahama administration. These unelected �greedy� Mafioso �bastards� will seek to hang on to power at the expense of the rest of society but they have a battle on their hands as they have the Rawlingses to deal with. In this entire NDC internecine power struggle I appeal to the rest of society not to ignore Naadu Mills. What these same raiders of the national treasury did to president Limann and Fathia Nkrumah, they will visit on Naadu Mills. They are heartless, wicked and self-serving. They can no longer have their way as Judgement Day Is Coming.