Freeze Salaries Of 'Illegal' Striking Teachers - NSS Boss

The Executive Director of the National Service Secretariat says striking Teachers must not be paid for the number of days they stay out of the classroom. Vincent Kuagbenu has also described as "barbaric" and "antiquated", the use of strikes by Teachers and other unions to demand better conditions of service. Speaking to XYZ News, Mr Kuagbenu said using pupils and students as "bargaining chips" is "unethical" and "unprofessional". Mr. Kuagbenu who is a Teacher with over two decades experience also accused the leadership of the national association of graduate teachers (NAGRAT) and the Ghana national association of teachers (GNAT) of gross inefficiency in leading their unions. According to him, the output of the Teachers doesn�t merit an increment in their allowances. �Don�t pay people, who take illegal decisions", he stressed adding that: "Strikes are antiquated" and that: "Any union that calls for people to strike is showing how inefficient [it is] in a constitutional era like ours� Mr. Kuagbenu said. He added that �GNAT and NAGRAT should be interested in the professional development of their members not declaring strikes�if you don�t work you shouldn�t be paid�. �We must try to defy this kind of modus operandi by our unions, it is antiquated, it�s barbaric, we must love what we do�. Mr. Kuagbenu also condemned other Teachers who are allegedly harassing their colleagues who have broken ranks with the nationwide indefinite strike.