Ganja Gangs Seize School

When students of Ho Housing Municipal Assembly Junior High School (JHS) wake up at dawn, do their home chores, wash down, put on their uniforms and head for school � they have only one thing in mind � have a peaceful atmosphere to study and become responsible people in future. Unfortunately, Indian hemp smokers who have virtually taken over the school do not think the same way for the children. Whilst the students would be in bed thinking about what they are going to study the following day, the ganja boys would also be �going high� on the drugs on the school compound, under the cover of darkness. What has even made the situation nauseating is that after smoking the �weed� in the classrooms, where the students sit to study, they would ease heaps of human excreta from the morsels of �akple� they had gulped down, which they leave on the tables, floors and around the campus for the students to clean. This development has sent shivers down the spines of the students, as some of them have reportedly stopped going to school to avoid seeing such ugly sights. The Headmistress of the School, Madam Florence Eddico, who admitted the problem in an interview with news personnel in Ho recently, said the attitude of the ganja smokers posed a serious threat to smooth teaching and learning in the school, and called on the authorities to do something about the development. According to her, the problem of the school started when a private developer invaded the school and started developing portions of the land. The Ho Municipal Assembly later intervened and the construction work was stopped. Unfortunately, the uncompleted structure, which should have been demolished by the assembly, has been left untouched. The �wee� smokers have regrettably turned this structure into a common room, where they meet in the night and smoke �wee�. The Headmistress also complained about intense heat in the classrooms during the day. She said about three years ago, they started planting trees in the school compound, but these trees had not matured to the level to absorb the heat. According to her, some students, especially the boys, remove their uniforms during class hours, as a result of the intense heat, but their girl counterparts cannot do same, making it impossible for them to enjoy teaching and learning.