It Is �Possible To Fake� Materials Used For Elections � Afari Gyan

Chairman for the Electoral Commission of Ghana and witness for the second respondent in the ongoing Supreme Court trail, Dr. Kwadwo Afari Gyan, didn�t hesitate to inform the court that materials used to conduct elections can be faked and as a result can mar the integrity of an election if not checked. According to Dr. Afari Gyan, it has always been the concern of the EC to guarantee that elections held in Ghana are free and fair. However, he refused to brush aside the fact that fake and unwarranted election materials can be produced by certain unscrupulous persons for mischievous reasons during an election. �These are very important, my Lords because in this age of electronic advancement, it is possible to fake some of our materials�, he established. To forestall some of this doable acts, Dr. Afari Gyan told the court on Monday that the EC normally secured safe vaults in which they kept electoral materials and in most cases, deployed the services of the police to guard the materials. According to him, one of the cardinal issues of the electoral processes under the Fourth Republic till date has been how to guarantee the security of the electoral materials. Beyond the creation of vaults and recruitment of security personnel to protect the election materials, Dr. Afari Gyan noted that the essential part of security lies in the process of how the EC does its work.