Ghana Ranked High ...With USA, Finland, Australia ...In A Gallop Poll Report

Ghana has been ranked high among the comity of nations having unrestrained press freedom. Other countries that were ranked high with press freedom included the United State of America, Finland and Australia. Ghana ranking is continued in Gallup polls report released on October 18, 2013. The polls were conducted between April 30 and May 9, 2012. The sample size was 100 people and the methodology used was face-to-face interaction. The survey was conducted in 129 countries. Countries having partial free press, according to the survey, report included Georgia, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Kenya and Kosovo. Chad, Cameroon Hondurus and Zimbabwe were mentioned as not having free press in the report. Ghana�s high ranking is largely due to the manner the press go about their duty without fear. The ranking is expected to soar higher in coming years, following the commitment on the part of government to press the Right To Information (RT) Bill.