Food Rules for Better Gut Health

Eat more magnesium-rich foods. Magnesium deficiency is linked to obesity and inflammation. The 21-Day Tummy diet loads up on spinach, brown rice, and pumpkin seeds, among other whole foods, to provide more of this vital mineral. Eat more anti-inflammatory fats. Pair the MUFAs in foods like dark chocolate, olives and avocados that specifically target visceral belly fat with omega-3s (found in foods like salmon and walnuts) that combat inflammation and the many diseases associated with it. This protects you from heart disease, depression, type 2 diabetes, stroke, cancer, and, of course, gastrointestinal disorders and weight gain. Eat fewer carb-dense foods. Carb-dense foods can alter the balance of our gut flora, triggering inflammation. Foods are considered carb-dense if they have a high ratio of carb grams relative to their weight. To minimize carb-dense foods, the 21-Day Tummy diet cuts out sugar, refined carbs, and most grains. Instead, it adds carb-light, natural foods like bananas, potatoes, and leafy green vegetables. Lean proteins and healthy fats are also carb-light.