Ways To Attack Your Heart Risk

Get the right tests. Basic imaging tests, such as electrocardiograms and stress tests, detect only large, old heart attacks or the worst blockages (more than 70 percent narrowed). Only advanced imaging tests, such as coronary artery calcium scans or carotid artery intima-media thickness (CIMT) ultrasounds, find early signs of silent atherosclerosis. I recommend them to high-risk people: those with type 2 diabetes, abnormal cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, a family history of heart disease, or a personal history of smoking. Though these tests may not always be covered by insurance, you may find them at a lower cost at some centers. In my community in Michigan, several hospitals offer them for between $50 and $125. If a test detects mildly clogged arteries, your doctor may recommend things like daily aspirin or other meds, a cholesterol-lowering plant-based diet, vitamin K�, and exercise and stress management to reverse the damage. Avoid the three D�s: Delay, denial, and death. An artery that is only 50 percent blocked can become fully obstructed in a matter of hours, leading to a serious heart attack. That�s why I tell my patients to never ignore worrisome symptoms such as chest pressure, shortness of breath, or sudden fatigue. These may be signs of a forthcoming heart attack. If you�re concerned, get checked ASAP.