Wee Smokers To Close Down School

SCHOOL AUTHORITIES of the Glory Day Care Foundation, a learning centre that offers virtually free education to eighty deprived pupils at Odupongkpehe, a suburb of Kasoa in the Central region, will soon close down the institution to end the frustration and abuse at the hands of marijuana users who have taken the community hostage. According to the head of the school, Veronica Onyomi, what could dissuade the management is for the police to drastically deal with the hooligans that have converted the school�s classrooms into convenient places for smoking the illegal substance. She explained that the anytime she reports to the police, they demand that she hires a taxi to commute them to the area because they are constrained logistically. �I cannot afford the cost that comes with that duty, and if I do not get any assistance, I will have to close down the service I am doing for this community,� Mrs. Onyomi grieved. According to her, the situation has assumed an alarming proportion and that the pupils might pick the butts that the wee smokers leave on the school�s premises to learn smoking. She claimed that the marijuana users sometimes rob the pupils in broad daylight on their way to school depriving them of the opportunity of eating if the issue does not come to the attention of the teachers. She expressed worry about the reality that the pupils might imitate the drug addicts who openly display their habits. A 70-year-old resident, Kwabena Safo Katanka, who is distressed about the act of drug users, recounted that they are helpless in the hands of the wee smokers. �All we want is for the authorities to rid this neighbourhood of these hooligans who are bent on making our lives hell,� he added. �Every day, they mount their tents behind my windows from 5:30a.m. to 9:00p.m.and all they do is to smoke to your abhorrence,� he lamented. He opined that he had relocated his grandchildren from the school in the area because of the terror the marijuana smokers are instilling into the pupils. It would be recalled that the paper highlighted the plight of residents of Odupongkpehe at Kasoa in the Central region who have been placed under unofficial dusk-to-dawn curfew by masquerading marijuana smokers who have mounted their tents between the Odupongkpehe D/A Basic School and Glory Daycare Foundation. Aside from the gang ransacking their rooms anytime they run short of money to purchase narcotic substances to get high, they are reported to be introducing truant school children in the community to the smoking of �wee.�