A President In Southern Africa To Be Attacked

Nigerian preacher TB Joshua has dropped a bombshel prediction that a Southern African President is going to be assasinated anytime in the coming few days. He sparked rumours that the country could be Zimbabwe which is the only African country where the First Lady is hated by her own party, ZANU PF, saying the armed attackers are plotting to kill the President, his wife, and or the Vice President of that country. �You should pray for Southern Africa� I am seeing militants are interested in embarrassing a president in that region � either to kill him or kidnap him,� he stated on Sunday 31st August 2014 in a church service broadcast on Emmanuel TV, one of Africa�s most popular television channels. �That is just their objective � to kidnap the president, vice president or first lady of that nation,� he continued. �If prayer is not offered well, they will succeed [and] it will put the nation into uproar.�