Ivy Kurlie Tamakloe Writes: Let�s Go Shopping

Choosing a mate is comparable to cooking. Imagine having to prepare a list for the days grocery shopping. While you�ll be thinking of stuffing your kitchen with enough items to last for days, you are probably also thinking of ingredients for the next meal. This is an unconventional notice of a comparable relationship between picking ingredients to cook and partner selection. (NB: Not all readers are oblivious to this) Let�s get candid. Your Ingredients - Characteristics in a potential mate To make an edible food, it�s necessary to get all the ingredients needed. This is true for features of an ideal mate. Missing Ingredients - No one is perfect Just as one might not find all ingredients on the market, due to conditions such as, scarcity, et cetera, all the perfect characteristics� may not be readily available or sometimes identifiable on site. It simply understands the notion that No one really is perfect. Alternatives - substitutes/complements Usually with cooking, some people may find an alternative item to replace an unattainable ingredient or make efforts to prepare the meal without it. However, it takes skill and experience to prepare and end up with a good meal. While searching and looking out for signs of the ideal one, It's totally normal that one person does not possess all of which are expected. This doesn't have to end the process. There are more than enough candidates who may just have a bearable number of characteristics with which could be lived. While there can't ideally be substitutes for human characteristics, we'd nurture the thoughts of compliments to better clarify this point, because really, what can substitute kindness? Before you cook - Readiness for the Pact At this point in the process, it is assumed that, a person is aware of all the possibly available ingredients for cooking. Be it substituting ingredients or the thought of creative ideas to still make a good meal. Knowing oneself well enough to know what characteristics in a person they are capable and willing to adjust themselves to (This concept is different from "settling for ") is the most important factor at this point. If a person isn't aware of who they are, it will be quite a dangerous course to venture into a commitment with another whole individual. People by nature understand and love to hope for a romantic life of perfection, but are faced with the reality of imperfections. Nevertheless, the beauty of partner selection is the entitled ability to decide and work with what's at hand. Just as after all the process some foods don't come out as predicted (even for the best cooks), some partners may turn out not to be what was "advertised" and thus a sour relationship is cooked up. It is imperative for any person to consider all odds before a decision is made. Resolutions in such instances are not always simple. While some may easily discard food and thus end a relationship, others may factor in invested time, emotions and other prospects (which they may deem unviable) as reasons to stay in and work through current state of affairs. Before going out to shop, I've always been advised to check what's home entirely from soup to nuts before stepping out. I share the above statement with all and sundry. For all who are looking to step in the direction of relationships, best regards. Happy shopping experience�