Sierra Leone Announces Ebola Curfew

Sierra Leone is to enforce a three-day lockdown of key parts of the country to try to contain the Ebola epidemic.

There have been 3,702 reported deaths from Ebola in the West African nation.

A three-day curfew in September, keeping people at home under quarantine, was hailed as a success by authorities, despite some criticism.

The country's National Ebola Response Centre says a new lockdown will come into place next week. It will affect close to 2.5m people.

While the number of cases has slowed since the peak of the outbreak, the virus is far from eradicated.

In the seven days leading up to March 15, there were 55 new cases in Sierra Leone, and 90 in neighbouring Guinea.

The number of new cases in Liberia - where most deaths have occurred - has not been registered.