2016 Election: No Change Will Come No Matter What

It would not be too long. I mean in about eighteen months’ time, and Ghanaians would be called upon to perform a ritual.

They will be called upon to form long queues to vote. They will elect a new President John Mahama, Nana Akufo Addo, Abu Sakara, Samia Nkrumah, Ayariga or somebody else, we do not know. What we do know however is that the Ghanaian Presidency embodies the roles of chief executive legislator, head of the state commander-in-chief, and party leader.

Beyond this however, and more importantly, the Ghanaian presidential office also embraces two other roles which the media either prefers to maintain a conspiracy of silence on, or is completely ignorant of. The first is as guardian of Ghanaian neo-colonial capitalism i.e the role fulfilled by advancing of the wealth and power of giant corporations from Europe, America and Japan, and wealthy investors as well as their Ghanaian front men and women. The second is that of protector of the wider economic system based on individual ownership and the extraction of surplus value.

So what fundamental difference would Nana Addo’s victory over John Mahama make to the common man on the street or the work places in Ghana? The answer should be simple and to the point. ZILCH. In practice the coming elections in 2016 is little more than a public relations gimmick, when Ghanaians would be given at least a few hours of democracy when they are on the long queues to elect an emissary of the owning class in Ghana and abroad to safeguard; and if possible to expand their class interest in another four years. Whether it is party A, B or C that wins the election or Mr. X,Y,Z that becomes the president, their function, would be one and only one-pursue policies that stimulates profit regardless of the hardships that this may visit upon the wider population.

At the same time they must put up a political garb that gives them the appearance of representing the interest and welfare of the broad masses. This profit imperative that drives them, seem to be a calling from an irresistible force i.e. the world’s dominant economic system – capitalism. So any election to government is society as presently constituted must bow to the calling of this irresistible force by the choosing of one of the political parties or presidential candidates that embrace the ideology of capitalism.

Government has a class character. It is not the even handed arbiter between the business man and the ordinary workers as most of us think; but the champion of the owners of the means of production with its boundless constitutional right to exploit ordinary working people. The function of government is to defend the property right of this owning class-investors, giant corporations and front men, to perpetuate their dominance over society, and correspondingly increase the misery of the people and their impoverishment. Adam Smith was blunt about this. He said “this necessity of civil government grows up with the acquisition of valuable property…Till there be property there can be no government, the very end of which is to secure wealth, and to defend the rich from the poor.”

The owning class because of its monopolistic control over society’s means of production and distribution has overwhelming dominance over politics in society, and because of this moulds all institutions customs and social behavior to give expression to its own interest. Under these circumstances the meaning of democracy has metamorphosed from what we understand to be the “rule of the people” to a device that elects “a safe pair of hands” to protect private property and control social and political life of the people. As a result they put a pretence that government represents workers while actually pursuing an agenda that is anti-worker.

In order to maintain this pretence, control of public opinion is essential. The media therefore is used to peddle lies and distortions to blur reality to ensure the docility of workers and make them ineffective. Their propaganda is awash with praises for the virtues of the free market system designed to perpetuate the falsehood that capitalism and democracy are synonymous. Whether the Ghanaian electorate in 2016 will vote for Mahama, Nana Akufo Addo or Abu Sakara at this stage is difficult to see through the crystal ball. What is incontestable however is that the outcome will not benefit the Ghanaian wage and salary earning class?

In fact, all the signs are that things will get worse, whoever takes power in 2016 is going to engage the further dismantling of the welfare mechanisms for the poorest; and organized labour would be further weakened. The IMF and the World Bank which represents Western business interest will surely certainly demand the elimination of everything that interferes with the ruthless pursuit of profits.