Komla Dumor 2nd Anniversary: Wife Writes Heartfelt Tribute

Today marks two years since the passing of former host of Joy FM’s Super Morning Show and BBC anchor, Komla Afeke Dumor.

The BBC TV presenter died on January 18, 2014 suddenly at his home in London.

Wife of the celebrated International Broadcast Journalist has written a heartfelt tribute to her late husband.

Read below

"2 years ago by this time, I was in excruciating pain, confusion and afraid of what the future held for me and my three young children. Komla, my husband, my love had left us so suddenly in the prime of his life.

But the Lord has comforted us and blessed us in unimaginable ways. Komla we still miss you dearly and remember you fondly. You will continue to be a part of our lives.

My pain is not unique however - there are people who have suffered just as I have and others who are going through very painful circumstances. I reach out to you today. May the Lord who comforts me, comfort you also. May His love press deeply into your places of sadness and greet you in your places of gladness.

"My hope is built on nothing less

than Jesus' blood and righteousness.

I dare not trust the sweetest frame,

but wholly lean on Jesus' name"

Happy New Year and God bless you all!...."