Entrepreneurship Networking Seminar Kicks Off

Challenges Worldwide has announced its first ever Entrepreneurship Networking Seminar which is being held in collaboration with Kumasi Hive.

“The Entrepreneurship Networking Seminar” will be held at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, on the 21st of April, 2017 from 5pm to 8pm under the theme “Building Successful Entrepreneurs towards Economic Development”.

The program will bring together 100 young people from diverse academic background who are keen to start their own businesses or launch an idea to solve problems within their communities.

As unemployment entangles the development of the country and knocks youth into poverty, Challenges Worldwide and Kumasi Hive seek to provide an exclusive opportunity for highly motivated youth to build their entrepreneurship skills via listening to some of Ghana’s successful entrepreneurs and uprising start-ups with bright outlooks.

The “Entrepreneurship Networking Seminar” will be a day for business mentors to share their life experiences with young business enthusiasts and to offer a speed networking session between participants and speakers.

The goal is to build the skills of students in entrepreneurship and enhance students’ knowledge of how to set up an SME and the challenges involved. We will do this through shared experiences in the business environment from our speakers, and through dialogue between participants.

The gathering is jointly organized by Challenges Worldwide - an international development charity focused on growing small and medium businesses in developing economies by providing consultancy services, and Kumasi Hive - an innovation hub for rapid prototyping of ideas, budding local innovations, impact start-up support & promoting youth entrepreneurship as a way of addressing critical social economic and developmental challenges.