International Record Labels Chase Jon Germain

Singer and Metro TV�s AlloTigo host, Jon Germain is likely to soon be swimming in the international music scene with his new album �This Is Who I Am�. Signals picked by BEATWAVES indicate that the tall man who calls himself �Supremo� has started getting calls from record labels worldwide who want to sign him. A close source to Jon told this paper that the presenter, who released his first pop rock album on February 28 last year after so many years of preparation, received a call from EMI Records, a record label in the USA. Jon himself confirmed the news to BEATWAVES on Friday that EMI Records has expressed enthusiasm to sign him. He said he received a call from one Kenny Andam, from EMI Records� base in Los Angeles. He said however that he is not a position to comment about what they discussed. He will make that public when everything is finalized. Jon�s album has been in the making since 1993 after he broke away from MGKK 4 in Ghana and the UK band Van Greene.His formative years as an artiste were shaped by listening to a lot of pop, rock and R&B music, his father�s favourite genre. He started writing songs at age 12 and has written songs for MGKK 4 and Van Greene. Jon�s musical influences are Michael Jackson, Bon Jovi, Bryan Adams, Bruce Hornsby, Richard Marx, Peter Cetera Frankie Paul and Michael Bolton. Many fans were surprised Jon could sing at all, let alone as impressively as he did on his album. At the album launch last year some fans doubted his ability so he had to sing to them before they finally believed that the soothing voice behind rhythms was his.