COVID-19: 137 Confirmed Cases In Ghana, 4 Deaths Recorded

Ghana's COVID-19 case count continues its upsurge unabated with confirmed figure now standing at 137, according to health officials.

The Ghana Health Service, per its Situation Update as at 19:00hrs GMT, of 27 March 2020 reports that, "fifty-nine (59) COVID-19 cases including four (4) deaths have been confirmed from the regular surveillance systems."

A statement published on the GHS website said, "all the four (4) deaths had underlying chronic medical conditions."

All is not gloomy though as the GHS revealed that "two have recovered and have been discharged. The remaining fifty-three (53) cases are doing well: fourteen (14) are being managed at home. The rest are on admission and responding well to treatment. Greater proportion of those on treatment with mild symptoms and are awaiting repeat of their laboratory tests to inform decision to discharge them."

The statement further indicated that "majority of the confirmed cases are Ghanaians, who returned home from other affected countries. Seven (7) are of other nationals namely: Norway, Lebanon, China, Netherlands, and United Kingdom. Seventy-eight (78) among the travelers (1,030 in number), who were mandatory quarantined and tested, have tested positive for COVID-19."

On the issue of contact tracing, "a total of 1,006 contacts have been identified and are being tracked."

"Out of these, two hundred and four (204) have completed the 14 days mandatory follow up,"
the statement read.