Tyler Perry's Super-Creative Way Of Dealing With The Virus And Economy

Tyler Perry isn't jumping to reopen his 330-acre Atlanta studio complex, but we've learned he's working on a really unique, interesting and safe way to shoot TV shows there during the coronavirus pandemic.

Studio sources tell TMZ, Tyler has a plan he's currently running up the flagpole with his studio execs, and it goes like this. Productions that shoot at his facility would have the cast and crew check in on the first day of filming. Everyone would be tested, and everyone who tests negative would be invited on the lot, where they will live during the entire production.

As for where they'd live, well, there's plenty of options. The facility used to be an army base, and there are 141 barracks on-site -- all usable. There are also 40 historic houses that are habitable. In addition, Tyler built around 30 houses on the lot for various productions, and they're all functional. And, we're told if the idea takes off he'd erect some pre-fab hotels.