Black Woman Slaps White Woman For Being Racist Toward Her - VIDEO

We have a new "Karen" -- this one is in Arizona -- and this time she didn't walk away clean ... instead, she got handled with a slap to the face.

This went down Saturday at a Phoenix gas station, where a middle-aged white woman stormed inside demanding to be helped after her pump outside was apparently not working. An argument ensued between her and a younger woman who was being helped at the counter.

While you don't hear it initially, the guy recording says he just heard 'Karen' tell the other woman she needs to go back to her country. She also tells the clerk -- on camera -- not to serve the woman.
Eventually, both women got in each other's faces, and after "Karen" got handsy, the other woman slapped her square on the jaw. "Karen" stormed out in a huff.

The overreacting, racist behavior we've seen plenty of lately -- but this outcome was much different. Maybe even ... refreshing? Sure, let's go with that.