Kenya To 'Receive First Covid-19 Vaccine Batch In January'

Kenya expects to receive its first batch of a Covid-19 vaccine next month, Health Minister Mutahi Kagwe has been quoted by Nation Africa newspaper as saying.

Mr Kagwe said that the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine will be made available. He added that the vaccine was far cheaper and easier to store when compared to the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.

But the Oxford vaccine has not yet been approved for emergency use in any country.

Kenya ordered 24 million doses through the Global Vaccine Alliance Initiative (Gavi) last week.

This will be enough to cover at least 20% of the country’s population.

Top of the list of those who will be vaccinated first are healthcare workers, police officers, the elderly and teachers.

Those who come into contact with crowds and those with two or more medical conditions will also be among the first to be vaccinated against the virus.