Why You Should Consider An Online Business Analytics Masters

Although the shift to remote working and learning had already begun to happen, the global covid pandemic has really accelerated that move.

Necessity forced people to stay at home, and every part of life took a sudden lurch online, meaning technologies and other solutions to this home-based way of being have moved on apace.

As the world gets back to normal, it is predicted things will never go back to quite how they once were. Instead, the world will be facing a "new normal." People will welcome back the freedoms previously taken for granted while discarding some of the old ways of doing things that have been revealed to be outdated or impractical.

One of those "old ways" is seeing everyone traveling to the same building to carry out work or learning. Although some people will return to this way of life, others will embrace a mix of in-person and remote working. At the same time, others will take advantage of the new opportunities to do everything online, from wherever they are in the world.

There are many reasons to choose an online business analytics masters, from the flexibility offered by remote learning to the job prospects accessible through this type of qualification. While this style of education may not be for everyone, for many people, it is the perfect way to study and perhaps an opportunity they might not have been able to take up otherwise.

Why remote learning is taking off

Just a decade ago, only around eight percent of the Ghanaian population was connected to the internet; by 2019, that figure had risen to almost 40 percent. The simple truth is that a person's ability to get online is one of the main driving factors for the rise in remote learning, but this is just the platform allowing it to take off.

The invention of cloud-based technology is also having a positive effect. It allows universities to provide course content in a range of ways without the need for students to have a variety of software on their PCs or other devices. It also allows students to share their work and request support in a simple to use and secure way.

Video-calling technology is also a bonus, meaning students can get the same face-to-face support from course leaders as those attending on-campus degree courses.

Courses are becoming increasingly affordable, particularly compared to the cost of traditional degree courses, which means more people are able to access higher education than ever before. It also improves opportunities for those who are unable to travel or relocate to access the specific course they are looking for. If you wish to undertake a qualification, but the university is based across the country or even across the world, there is no longer a need to move to attend classes.

In addition to this, in sub-Saharan Africa specifically, campaigns to increase elementary and secondary school participation rates are creating more high school graduates than ever before, leading to an increase in people seeking higher education opportunities in general.

Difference between on-campus and remote learning

There really are more similarities than there are differences between online business analytics masters and those presented in the traditional way. Both courses are just as demanding; the content is generally the same whether accessed online or in-person, and the qualification at the end are both equally valid and recognized by employers.

There are, of course, some notable differences. The most obvious is where the learning actually takes place. Historically, if you wanted to enroll in any kind of degree program, you would need to relocate to the college or university which would be providing the degree course, as mentioned above.

With an online business analytics masters, providing you have the required qualifications to be accepted onto the course, you can study from wherever you are in the world – internet access permitting. Instead of lecture halls, classrooms, and meeting rooms, you will access your lecturers via video but with the addition of visual elements such as videos, infographics, and interactive sections to keep things interesting.

You can also expect to get involved in group discussions and projects with other people on the course via video-calling and group messaging.

This leads on to all the other communications you can have with your fellow course members and teaching professionals. While obviously there aren't the same social elements to an online business analytics masters, it doesn't mean you are completely on your own.

Students regularly "meet-up" online and keep in touch using the varied communication options now at everyone's fingertips. You will also receive one-to-ones with your professor and regular assessments to make sure you stay on track.

As well as picking up the usual textbooks and relevant physical texts or other learning resources, course materials may also include online texts, video content, and audio recordings.

Why choose online learning?

There are lots of benefits to choosing an online business analytics masters. In fact, for many, it's not a matter of simply choosing a preference - remote courses can mean the difference between being able to access a degree course and missing out altogether.

One of the biggest benefits is there is no need to relocate, which is out of the question for many people. For example, if you can't leave your job or your family, if relocating would be too costly, or if you simply don't want to move away from the place you call home, the fact you can complete your degree from wherever you are based is a huge plus for many people.

The flexibility that an online business analytics masters can offer means if you are someone who has other responsibilities such as being a parent to young children, working full-time, or caring for a loved one, the fact you can choose when your studying takes place is another big positive.

Not only does not having to move location save you money, and the ability to keep working the day job means you still have an income coming in, but an online course generally costs less than their on-campus counterparts. Therefore, a remote degree is a brilliant option for people with financial constraints that would otherwise mean they couldn't afford to do a masters.

In the quickly-evolving world of business, remote working is becoming an increasingly common requisite. Therefore, not only is your online degree worth the same as an in-person degree, but it also demonstrates to an employer that you are adept at remote working, are a self-motivated person, and can work effectively without constant supervision. These are all going to be much sought-after qualities in future businesses.

What's more, the chances of meeting a more diverse bunch of fellow-students are greater in an online business analytics masters. There are likely to be a broader range of ages, from those fresh from completing their undergraduate degree to mature students updating their skills or working on a career change. There's a good chance there will be people from a wider scope of places too, as remote learning may see people from all over the world sharing your course with you.

Why the online business analytics masters?

If you are going to put your time and money into something, it is wise to choose an option that will result in a pay raise and give you good job security. If you are still considering which path to choose, you might consider something which can be accessed no matter what field of work you are currently in, such as the online business analytics masters.

There are all sorts of industries you can enter by taking this route, such as cybersecurity, market research, or data science. Thanks to the modern phenomenon of collecting big data, practically every industry now uses at least one form of business analytics. The good news is, you can apply for a place on this course from any previous background.

Setting up a home classroom

The most obvious piece of kit you will need to get set up for online study is a computer of some sort. That could be a PC, a laptop, or even a tablet. In addition to this, to access the course itself, you're going to need a decent internet connection too.

If your computer doesn't have it built-in already, you will need a microphone and webcam to help with interacting with seminars and communicating with your professor and your peers.

As well as the tech side of things, a quiet and comfortable area for you to study in is also helpful. If you don't have somewhere you can watch lectures and complete assignments in peace; you will find completing the course an uphill struggle.

If you can get yourself a desk and appropriate office chair, it will help avoid discomfort disturbing you from your work and help prevent poor sitting positions from causing back and neck pain.

A bookshelf or some other form of storage will help you keep all your study materials together and make it easier to find what you're looking for, so if you do have the space to squeeze one in somewhere, it's a good idea.

Time management tips

As mentioned above, you are far from on your own if you did decide to take an online master's degree. However, the distance does mean you do perhaps need a little extra motivation and self-discipline than students on campus.

It doesn't have to be daunting, though, and being organized in your work and sticking to a schedule will make sure you don't leave everything to the last minute and start falling behind.

Here are five top time management tips you might find useful as a remote student, which will also transfer to the workplace when you land your dream job.

1.     Lists are your friend: Each week, have a clear list of everything that needs doing and by when. When you have laid everything down on paper (or on screen), things will start to seem more manageable straight away.

2.     Prioritize: It can be tempting to do the easy things first and leave all the difficult or less interesting task to the end. However, you will end up taking much longer with these things, so at the very least, alternate the difficult tasks with the simpler ones.

3.     Make a schedule: You don't want vague timescales or just a final date of when an assignment needs to be in by. Make a proper schedule of every stage of the process and you won't come close to deadlines and realize you don't have enough time left. If you have an assignment due in three weeks, plan in time to research and when you will have the first draft ready by, leave time for editing and rewriting if necessary, and plan in a little contingency time too, if possible.

4.     Get into a routine: Having a set time for your study every week, whether that's planning in a few hours every evening, time at the weekend, or during your regular days off, will get you into a routine and make you more likely to get the study hours in.

5.     Find time to relax: Setting aside some time for rest and relaxation will give you the space to unwind and means you will be in a better state of mind when it does come to getting in some study time. This is especially important for anyone with other commitments like a job or care-giving responsibilities.

There are many ways home learning can be the ideal choice for individuals wanting to progress their learning, improve their career opportunities and simply benefit from some new skills.

An online business analytics masters is an ideal choice at this moment in time as a qualification as there are plenty of job opportunities already, and that is only set to increase.

The right set-up at home and a can-do attitude towards learning and you can succeed in achieving your learning goals as the modern world of education open its doors to more possibilities than ever before.