Family Based Care Alliance Advocates For Alternatives To Custodial Sentencing

The recent sentence meted out to Akuapem-Poloo, a Ghanaian actress was met with mixed emotions.

She was given a sentence of 90 days for circulating on social media, a picture of herself and her son in which she was nude.

She leaves behind her seven-year-old son.

Her sentence brings to the fore the debate on using alternatives to incarceration (jail term) for adult offenders, especially first-time offenders. This would certainly depend on the offence committed.

Mothers and fathers who get jailed leave behind their children and these children become vulnerable; exposed to the ills of society.

Family Based Care Alliance (FaBCA) joins its voice with that of other like-minded organizations to advocate for alternatives to custodial sentencing.

FaBCA also advocates that her son is given trauma counseling and that parents should be responsible towards their children.