Sudan: UK Government Begins Large-Scale Evacuation Of British People

The UK's first evacuation flight carrying British nationals has now left Sudan, Downing Street has confirmed.

At least two more flights are expected overnight, as the military attempts to get hundreds out of the war-torn country during a 72-hour ceasefire.

Families with children, the elderly and people with medical conditions will be prioritised on RAF flights leaving from an airfield near the capital Khartoum.

They are being told to make their own way to the airport, without an escort.

No 10 said the situation is "fast-moving" but the first flight is expected to arrive in Cyprus later, before people are transported back to the UK.

A temporary pause in fighting between rival military factions appears to be holding, although there have been reports of new gunfire and shelling.

At least 459 people have been killed since fighting broke out on 15 April.

UK ministers have come under increasing pressure to help its citizens flee the fierce fighting.

Around 4,000 UK citizens are thought to be in Sudan and 2,000 of them have already requested help, Foreign Office minister Andrew Mitchell said on Monday.

Only British passport holders and their immediate family with existing UK entry clearance are eligible, the government has said.

The Foreign Office initially said people should not travel to the evacuation site until told to do so - but updated its advice on Tuesday afternoon urging people to make their own way to the Wadi Saeedna airfield to the north of Khartoum "as soon as possible".

The advice published online warned evacuees that "travel within Sudan is conducted at your own risk and plans may change depending on the security situation".

An RAF plane took off from the airfield north of Khartoum and landed in Cyprus earlier on Tuesday afternoon, according to a flight tracking site. It is understood the initial flight was not carrying civilians and was instead focused on security.

Germany, which has been running operations at airfield, is due to end its evacuation later on Tuesday after airlifting around 500 people.

UK defence secretary Ben Wallace told a Commons committee earlier today that 120 British troops were involved and "stand prepared to take over" from the Germans when they leave the site.

He also confirmed that Royal Marines are continuing to prepare an alternative route out of Sudan via a port on the east coast, as well as making contingencies for any humanitarian response.