EIU Never Chose Duffour Over Mahama - ASEPA Boss Refutes Claims

The Executive Director of the Alliance for Social Equity and Public Accountability (ASEPA), Mensah Thompson has refuted claims that a recent scientific research by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) showed former Finance Minister, Dr. Kwabena Duffour to top the NDC presidential primaries.

A publication by The Informer newspaper, on Wednesday, May 3, under the headline "EIU chooses Duffour Over Mahama" had said that the National Democratic Congress (NDC) stands a good chance of winning the 2024 elections if it puts its house in order.

" . . putting its house in order entails discarding former President John Dramani Mahama as its standard-bearer and instead embracing, with hands and feet, the astute economist and former Finance Minister, Dr. Kwabena Duffour," the paper said.

The newspaper quoted portions from the EIU research to support their claim, stating the "former President, John Mahama, launched his campaign to secure the NDC presidential candidacy in March. However, the NDC could also choose to revitalise its prospects with a fresh candidate, such as Kwabena Duffour, a former Finance Minister, who has also declared his intention to secure the party candidacy".

But Mr. Mensah Thompson, speaking on Peace FM's 'Kokrokoo', described the publication as falsehood.

According to him, "there is absolutely nowhere in the EIU report that the EIU chose Duffour over Mahama".

Further examining the publication, he noted that the author wasn't even bold to assert where the EIU report clearly meant that the EIU had placed Dr. Duffour ahead of Mr. Mahama.

He, however, ticked John Mahama as the next suitable Presidential candidate for the NDC saying, "there is absolutely no way anybody in their remotest of imagination can say any candidate in the NDC now can win the NDC 2024 elections other than John Mahama".