I Won’t Spare Bawumia Attackers – Annoh-Dompreh

Majority Chief Whip, also Member of Parliament for Nsawam/Adoagyiri, Frank Annoh-Dompreh has warned that the Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s opponents who go around saying “it’s not his turn” will get the response they deserve in equal measure.

According to him, when conversations about how long the Vice President has been with the New Patriotic Party (NPP) circulate, he gets concerned and has vowed not to stand idly as such persons seek to disparage Dr. Bawumia’s numerous accomplishments and years of dedication.

The Majority Chief Whip was speaking at the launch of Digital Ladies For Bawumia event held at Adoagyiri over the weekend.

He explained that, “There are a lot of people making statements about how long Dr. Bawumia has been with the NPP, and I worry about those issues. Maybe you’re unaware, but Dr. Bawumia presided over the delegation that travelled to another country to negotiate for the HIPC in 2001 after President Kufuor took office.

Annoh-Dompreh added that some NPP members think that Dr. Bawumia’s bid for the presidency comes at an inappropriate time because, in their words, “it’s not his time.”

He revealed that Dr. Bawumia had held party leadership positions as early as 2001 and had even led a delegation to foreign nations to conduct negotiations while John Agyekum Kufuor was President.

He advised the delegates in his area to be welcoming to any potential flagbearer who visits them to campaign. However, he urged them to keep in mind that the “DMB Project” is still on track.

The Vice President is one of the top NPP figures who has made a solid case for running for the position of flagbearer and later for the position of Ghana’s next president.

The NPP flagbearer election is set for November this year, and Dr. Bawumia is highly expected to win.