Alan is the Hope of the Youth - Legon SRC Prez

Young Supporters of the former Trade and Industry Minister, Hon Alan Kyerematen, have reiterated their hope in him.

The youth group led by the SRC president of the University of Ghana Legion expressed his excitement as a youth leader who supports Mr Kyerematen.

The excitement stems from Hon. Alan Kyerematen's proven records that show he is the solution to job creation for the youth.

He said, "We have hope in Alan Kyerematen to turn things around. His record as the Minister for Trade and Industry shows that we can trust him to create jobs for the youth" Every opportunity he's had has proven and translated to job creation for the youth.

As the youth wing, we are prepared to go the length and breadth of this country to ensure Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen is president," he concluded.

According to some young supporters who have been with Mr Kyerematen since he began his presidential ambition in the early 2000s, believe he is the only hope for the country to redeem its lost glory

Their hope is founded in the proven track record of Alan Kyerematen since his appointment as Ghana's Ambassador to the United States, Trade advisor at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa as well as the Minister for Trade and Industry under President John Agyekum Kufuor's administration and later reappointed to serve the same capacity by President Nana Akufo-Addo.

The SRC president went on to heighten Mr Kyerematen's achievements in the Millennium Challenge Accounts, Presidential Special Initiatives (PSI) One District One Factory (1D1F) Automotive Industry, as well as the Youth and Master Card YouStart

"With Alan, we know we have a leader who thinks about the youth and involves the youth. We urge all young delegates to vote and campaign for him to be the president of Ghana," he concluded.

This comes at the back of Mr Kyerematen's filling of his forms after it was picked up and presented to him by market queens across the country.

My Colleagues and l Support Alan for He Lives His Words - Hon Baligi

Former Minister for Trade and Industry, Hon. Alan Kyerematen today submitted his nomination forms to contest the New Patriotic Party's (NPP) presidential primaries at the Party's Head office in Accra.

The submission of his forms follows from market queens from the 16 regions in the country who picked up the nomination forms for Hon. Kyerematen.

Present to support the former Minister were Members of Parliament for Lambussie in the Upper West Region, Hon. Bright Bakye Yelviel Baligi.

Speaking at the function, Hon. Baligi said "my MPs colleague and l have the privilege to be part of this historic occasion. On behalf of my colleagues and my own behalf, I present to you the incoming president of Ghana, the man of action and integrity who lives his words, the unifier, the man to rescue, rebuild, restore and reward the party, the man of vision, Mr. Industry, Hon Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen"

This was followed with a resounding round of applause by the scores of supporters who where present as a gesture of approval.

The legislature further hailed Hon. Kyerematen as a practical economist who lives his words.
"Hon Kyerematen has been competent in the sense that he is credible and has remarkable achievements at both the private and corporate levels of governance and entrepreneurship.
"This makes him stand out as a practical economist who lives his words" he said

Hon. Alan Kyerematen resigned as the Minister of Trade and Industry in January this year 2023, to pursue his presidential ambition.

Before his resignation he championed government's One District One Factory (1D1F) agenda and has since birthed over 170 factories across the country.

Mr. Alan Kyerematen aslos served under the same capacity under former President John Agyekum Kufuor's administration where championed the Presidential Special Initiatives programme aimed at creating fully integrated industries in the country.