Floods Kill 4, 1 Missing

Floods from torrential rain in the Western and Ashanti Regions of Ghana have claimed the lives of four individuals, with one person still missing.

Among the victims are two students from Daboase Senior High Technical School in the Western Region.

The students had sneaked out of their dormitory to swim in the Subri River, which had overflowed its banks due to heavy rainfall on Saturday, June 23, 2023.

Three students were caught in the floodwaters, with two bodies already retrieved and one still missing.

The District Chief Executive for Wassa East, Emmanuel Boakye, confirmed the tragic incident and informed the public that a search operation is ongoing to find the missing student.

Meanwhile, the bodies of the two deceased students have been taken to the Effia Nkwanta Hospital Morgue.

In a separate incident in the Ashanti Region, a man named Suleman Ahmed, who was an official of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Old Tafo Constituency, lost his life after being swept away by floodwaters.

Ahmed was attempting to cross the Duase bridge on his motorbike when he was overcome by the rushing water.

This brings the total number of flood-related deaths in the region to four within the past two days, including a 6-year-old who was swept away by flood in separate incident on Wednesday, June 21.

Authorities are urging residents to exercise caution and avoid any unnecessary risks during the heavy rainfall.

The government has been called upon to implement measures to mitigate the impact of flooding in these regions and ensure the safety of the citizens.

The families of the victims have been informed of the tragedies, and efforts are being made to provide them with support during this difficult time.