Gas Shortage Leads to Power Outages in Ghana – GRIDCo

The Ghana Grid Company Ltd (GRIDCo) has reported a significant shortage of gas supply from the Atuabo Gas Processing Plant (GPP) and the West African Gas Pipeline (WAPCo).

As a result, the country is facing a supply gap of 650MW of electricity during peak hours, leading to power outages in various areas.

GRIDCo has assured the public that measures are being taken to restore the gas supply from the Atuabo Gas Processing Plant.

In a statement, the company stated, “Efforts are in place to address the current gas shortage, and as the situation improves, power will be restored to affected customers.”

The power outages have negatively impacted several parts of the country, causing inconvenience and disruption to businesses and households. Residents and businesses have been grappling with the lack of electricity, affecting productivity and daily routines.

The shortage of gas supply from the Atuabo Gas Processing Plant and the West African Gas Pipeline has been identified as the primary cause of the power outages.

These facilities play a crucial role in supplying natural gas, which is used to generate a significant portion of Ghana’s electricity.

Authorities are now working diligently to resolve the issue and restore power to affected areas as soon as possible. GRIDCo, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, is actively engaging with the management of the Atuabo Gas Processing Plant and WAPCo to address the supply gap and ensure a stable and reliable power supply for the country.

“The Ghana Grid Company Ltd, (GRIDCo), the “Operator” of the National Interconnected Transmission System informs the general public that there is a deficit in thermal power generation due to limited gas supply from the Atuabo Gas Processing Plant (GPP) and the West African Gas pipeline (WAPCo). This has created a supply gap of 650MW at peak time which will affect consumers in some parts of the country. The inconvenience caused is regretted,” the statement issued by the Corporate Communications of Ghana Grid Company Ltd added

In the meantime, GRIDCo has advised residents and businesses to utilize alternative power sources and adopt energy conservation measures to minimize the impact of the power outages.

Ghana has made significant strides in recent years to enhance its power generation capacity and improve electricity access across the country.

However, challenges such as gas supply shortages highlight the need for continuous investment and development in the energy sector to ensure a sustainable and uninterrupted power supply.

GRIDCo and other relevant authorities are committed to resolving the current gas shortage and working towards preventing similar incidents in the future. The public is encouraged to remain patient and cooperative while the necessary measures are implemented to restore regular electricity supply to all affected areas.