When Kwesi Pratt Turned Down A Sixteen-Year-Old 'Second Wife'

The Managing Editor of the Insight Newspaper, Kwesi Pratt Junior has disclosed how his benevolent act landed him in 'trouble'

Speaking on Peace FM’s morning show 'Kokrokoo', "The mother of the lady needed surgery and so after approaching me, I used my newspaper to solicit funds and a big company bore the cost and they came to thank me later. One morning I received a call from the head of the family still saying thank you and said he was bringing me their sixteen-year-old daughter to marry. Ei!!!! What will I tell my wife?

"I told the man I was married and he asked if I wasn’t a man…The man got angry; he said I had insulted the family; to them, it’s a form of disrespect to the family. Hmm...I was sweating profusely; it wasn't easy at all,” he said.

Listen to him in the video below