I’m Coming For The Youth To Rewrite NPP’s Story In Adenta – Alfred Kumi

A Member of Parliament hopeful on the ticket of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Adenta Constituency in Greater Accra Region, Alfred Ababio Kumi, has said he is inspired by the youth of the area to contest in the party’s upcoming primaries.

According to him, he had always believed in the potentials and capabilities of the youth to thrive in the constituency therefore they will be his topmost priority as Member of Parliament when given the mandate.

He made the pronouncement on Thursday, August 3, 2023, at the NPP’s constituency office in Adenta when he filed his nomination forms to contest the parliamentary primaries.

Alfred Kumi who will be contesting the seat with four other candidates has successfully gone through his vetting and picked the number five spots on the ballot box.

The NPP has scheduled September 2023 to December 2, 2023, as the date for its parliamentary primaries for constituencies where the party has no sitting MPs also known as orphan constituencies.

The exercise is to elect parliamentary candidates to contest on the party’s ticket in the 2024 general election.

AdentaKumi, as affectionally called, speaking to Angel News on the sideline after submitting his nomination form said despite losing his quest to become an MP in his first attempt he is moved by the people of the constituency, most especially the youth.

He stated categorically that he is coming for the youth and has thus come to the realisation that his vision for the youth of Adenta Constituency can only materialize with him representing the area in Parliament.

“If you consider what is currently happening in the country, we the youth must take our future into our own hands than being overdependent on leaders of the country. So, we the youth know what we want, know what we desire, and that is the desire to empower our future.

Therefore, we aspire to leave a legacy that would forever be remembered by the unborn generation in the near future. So, it tells you that when the youth are given the chance, we will bring out brilliant ideas that will change our lives and that’s what we are looking for through me to redevelop Adenta,” he underscores.

The business consultant added “And that is why I said, I’m for you [the youth] and I’m one of you, I [AdentaKumi] is for the delegates.”

When given the barton to lead the NPP in 2024, he opined to focus on improving infrastructure, creating jobs, and bringing more development for the people of the Adenta constituency to enable him to contribute his quota to national development.

He was hopeful the love shown him by the people in the leadup to the primaries would translate into votes to enable him to represent the constituency in parliament and serve them diligently.

AdentaKumi who is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)of VISION-LOB company, concluded that with his youthful exuberance coupled with the vast experience gathered in the entrepreneurial field, political industry and humanitarian field among others he is fit to lead the NPP when given the nod at the primaries to rewrite the story of the NPP in Adenta.