Let's Create Awareness To Support Children Living With Autism To Maximize Inherent Talents - Gov't, NGOs Urged

Government, Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) and stakeholders have been urged to create awareness to support and encourage therapy on autism, down-syndrome by making policies that seek to provide for these individuals with special needs.

The Co-Founder of Rapha Haven Supported living and an author, Gifty Kwaku-Addison said children with autism needed the support and affection of the public but the country had not done enough to support children with such special needs.

Gifty Kwaku-Addison said raising children with special needs takes its toll on families, hence there is the need for orientation on the roles of the church, how to engage people with special needs and how to be a voice for people with disabilities wherever they are.

According to her, parents of the special needs children need to be encouraged to speak out and the people need to know that autism, down-syndrome and cerebral palsy are not contagious and these people with special needs must be fully integrated and regarded in the society.

Gifty Kwaku-Addison whose two children are on the autism spectrum, said she had become an advocate for children with special needs and autism in particular. She believes that to have a more inclusive world, there is a need to create early autism awareness for kids, teach acceptance and foster empathy.

She pledged to call a meeting with all stakeholders involved in taking care of children with autism to discuss how best the government could support them.

We need support to take care of children living with autism and urged the government to also develop a policy to support such children, she said.

She made this call when she launched her books titled, She Is Limitless, The Power of Hope and Possibilities and My Journey With Twin Angels (an inspirational story of hope for mothers with special needs children and their love ones).