DVLA Interdicts 13 Staff

Thirteen staff of the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) have been interdicted, whilst three others have had their appointments terminated for indiscipline.

Board Chairman of DVLA, Frank Davies, who disclosed this, warned that the board would not shield anyone who breached the authority’s disciplinary code.

He, therefore, advised all personnel to refrain from acts that are contradictory to the authority’s rules and regulations and have the potential to ruin the institutions’ new image.

According to him, while the DVLA has made notable strides in streamlining services and lowering processing times, there are still concerns such as delays in producing driving licenses, attitudinal issues on the part of some workers, and an increase in incidences of indiscipline and poor behaviour.

Mr. Davies was speaking at the launch of the 25th anniversary celebration and the commencement of the 2023 mid-year review conference in Sunyani, Bono Region on Wednesday.

It was held on the theme: “Delivering Quality Service through Optimisation: A Panacea to Consolidate Our Gains.”

The DVLA Board Chairman urged personnel to develop innovative ways to improve their work and service performance.

He stated that such creative approaches to assist clients remained at the forefront of technology, adding that this was important to investigate developing trends in line with best practices to enhance road safety and environmental sustainability.

He also talked about the many successes chalked by the DVLA over the last six years.