MyHelp-YourHelp Foundation And Sue Sam Ministry Unite To Offer Free Health Screenings In Abeka Lapaz

MyHelp-YourHelp Foundation, a Christian charitable organization (NPO) with a focus on education, health, and social services, organized a free health screening exercise for the people of Abeka Lapaz and its environs in the Greater Accra region on Saturday, July 22, 2023, in collaboration with Sue Sam, a UK-based Ghanaian Gospel Singer, at the Light of Life Gospel Mission.
A total of 137 individuals, including children, participated in the health screening exercise, which has now become a regular feature of the Foundation's annual event. Ailments, including typhoid, malaria, hypertension, diabetes, and HIV/AIDS, were checked for.
The beneficiaries were also counselled on the need to adjust their lifestyles to avoid heart diseases, stroke, alcoholism, and drug abuse, among others. This required constant exercise and good nutrition.
Myhelp-Yourhelp Foundation assembled a team of medical practitioners from major health facilities in the Greater Accra Region, such as Korle Bu Teaching hospital, Cocoa Clinic, Tema General Hospital, Feden Hospital, and Lekma hospital to conduct the exercise. These health workers are all members of the Foundation.
Cases of hypertension dominated but amazingly, most were already known cases by people who defaulted in taking their medications. Other recorded cases were diabetes, moderate anemia, anorexia, obesity lumbago gastrointestinal infections, malnutrition, among others. Individuals whose conditions needed further clinical diagnoses and treatment were referred to bigger health facilities.
Dr. Esiape, the head of the Myhelp-Yourhelp Foundation’s medical team who is also the Medical Manager of Cocoa Clinic, advised participants to maintain a healthy lifestyle and place a high priority on routine medical examinations to enable the early diagnosis of disorders in their bodies.
According to him, "The highest earning age of any worker is their most productive and accomplished period, characterized by a balance of experience, expertise, and vibrant health. However, it's crucial to take care of oneself to sustain this earning potential and not let it be hindered by ill-health."
Mr. Kenneth Amevor, a Laboratory Scientist, and a member of the Foundation added, “We encourage everybody to go to the hospital, have your BPs checked, have your sugar levels checked, and do a general medical examination. There are many things in the body that until you are checked, you would not know until it is too late.”