#SuperDelegatesVote: Some NPP Aspirants Will Fall Sick After Declaration Of Results - Kwesi Pratt

Editor-in-Chief of the Insight newspaper, Kwesi Pratt has forecast the reactions of the presidential aspirants of the New Patriotic Party after the Special Delegates Congress this Saturday, August 26.

Like his mantra, all the aspirants will see their smoothness levels on Saturday but some will be overwhelmed by the number of votes they will get that it will be difficult for them to return to their families after declaration of the results.

Refusing to mention names, he noted there are some aspirants who he, being friends with them, had told them to save their energies and money because they will amount to nothing in the election but they didn't heed his advice.

According to him, some of the candidates will leave the election grounds completely demoralized.

"On voting day, when some aspirant see the number of votes they garnered, they will be greatly sorrowful...Some will even fall sick", he heartily laughed.

Kwesi Pratt said this while joining the Friday team of Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" morning show.