Stop Antagonizing The Electoral Commission - Salam Mustapha Warns NDC

National Youth Organizer of the New Patriotic Party, Salam Mustapha has slammed the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) over what he terms as their attack on the Electoral Commission regarding its Limited Voters' Registration exercise.

The Electoral Commission has commenced its limited voters' registration exercise within the district level; the exercise will end in October this year.

The aim of the exercise is to ensure Ghanaians who are of the legitimate age and couldn't register their names in the voters' register are able to register and be eligible to vote in next year's election.

“Persons who have attained the age of 18 years since the last registration exercise and those who for one reason or the other did not register in 2020, should visit the District Office where they reside with either their Ghana Card or their Ghana Passport.”

“Eligible applicants who do not possess any of the identification documents listed above are required to present two (2) persons who are already registered voters to guarantee their registration.”

“The General Public is informed that it is a criminal offence for non-Ghanaians (foreigners) and persons who are not 18 years and above (minors) to attempt to register", a statement from the Commission said.

But the exercise has been met with opposition from the NDC as the party has filed a suit at the Supreme Court against the Commission challenging the process, particularly with regard to the restriction on the identity card for registration.

Salam Mustapha, reacting to the matter during Peace FM's "Kokrokoo", admonished the NDC and all critics to stop antagonizing the Electoral Commission stating they are doing their job as the electoral supervisory and management body.

"As a for a mouse, when you give a mouse a glass of milk, it will certainly ask for a place of cheese. So, we should be careful about our democracy; how we want it to be. We shouldn't be extremely antagonistic to the institutions that guarantee us the democracy that we are seeing. We should take it for granted at all," he cautioned.

He asked the political parties to cooperate with the Commission for a smooth running of the exercise, stressing the youth of Ghana "deserve to be bequeathed with a tranquil country that our forefathers gave to the current leadership. The same leadership should leave a country of peace and tranquility for us to also come and give to the next generations and that is what would ensure sustenance of the country, Ghana".