Calling for BoG Governor's Resignation Is 'Illogical', 'Ridiculous and Misplaced' - Atik Replies Minority

Atik Mohammed says the claims on which the Minority in Parliament is petitioning the Central Bank Governor, Dr. Ernest Addison, to resign are "ridiculous and misplaced".

According to him, the accusations by the Minority against the Governor have no logical basis.

He explained on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show that the Governor and his deputies, who the Minority says should step down, are not responsible for the cedi devaluation and the many other things leveled against them.

The Governor and his deputies are accused of mismanaging the bank and printing money that, to the accusers, have hugely cost Ghana's economy.

Dr. Addison is said to be a part of the reasons for the economic woes visited on Ghanaians but Atik, in response, says the Governor has no hand in the country's currency depreciation.

He elucidated that the cedi depreciation is due to external factors beyond the control of the Governor, hence asked the petitioners to leave Dr. Addison alone.

"No demonstration is unnecessary but the message was ridiculous and misplaced. You are seeking the resignation of a Governor over illogical basis. They are not the reason why our currency is not performing well...Claiming that they printed money is not true," he said.

"What even bores me the more is that they say that it is some of these monies that they have given to Cecilia Dapaah to hide under her bed...and that this forms the basis to call for the resignation of the Governor. This is impossible to understand," he took a swipe at the Minority Leader, Cassiel Ato Forson who, during the protest, alleged the bank gave portions of the printed money to the former Sanitation Minister, Cecilia Abena Dapaah.

To Atik, the leaders of the #OccupyBoG demonstration are not seeking the interest of the populace but "the pursuit of self-interest".