Indigenes Of Tema Manhean Petition Speaker Of Parliament

Indigenes of Tema Manhean have submitted a petition to the Speaker of Parliament, Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin, urging an investigation and the restoration of houses and land allocated to them by Ghana's first president, Kwame Nkrumah, following the construction of the Tema Harbour and the heavy industrial area.

According to the petition received by the Speaker's office on Monday, "Houses of the various Tema Communities allocated to we the indigene by the Nkrumah government are nowhere to be found, and our places of abode or lands belonging to us indigenes of Tema Manhean are also being sold indiscriminately by a few elders."

The petition, signed by the Secretary to the Tema Sakumor Shrine, Stephen Ashitey Adjei (a.k.a. Moshake), alleges that the lands were taken from them without any compensation. 

Moshake presented relevant documents, some dating as far back as 1951, to support their case. 

He emphasized that the current situation has placed the youth of Tema Manhean at a disadvantage in terms of employment, stating, "We are literally being driven away from our own land."

Mr. Moshake expressed hope that the Speaker's office would investigate the issues raised in the petition.

In an interview after submitting the petition, Moshake highlighted the discontent among the youth, citing the alleged indiscriminate sale of the remaining land without proper documentation.