Labadi Beach Hotel Sweep Three Prestigious Awards

Ghana’s Premier five-star hotel, Labadi Beach Hotel, has picked three awards within the past few days.
The awards are the 'Best HR Management in Hospitality Award' at the HR Focus Conference and Awards 2023, CIMG Hospitality Facility of the Year (Hotels, 2022) at the 34th CIMG Annual Marketing and Performance Awards, and finally, the hotel's Managing Director, Mr. David Eduaful received the 'Excellence in Leadership Award' at the 2nd edition of the coveted Ghana CEO Awards held in Accra.
On September 28, 2023, the team behind the exceptional human relations in the hotel gathered at the Accra International Conference Centre (AICC) where they picked up the 'Best HR Management in Hospitality Award.'
The honour is a testament of the company's qualities and exceptional dedication to building human capital of its employees as well as being a highly people-centred company advocating for best business practices and governance.
In a post-award interview, the Human Resource and Administrative Manager, Mrs. Olivia Tetteh expressed her profound gratitude to the entire employees and most importantly, the Board of Directors for their unflinching support and guidance over the period.

"We are extremely grateful for this great achievement. We, at Labadi Beach Hotel, believe in empowering the human capital of the company and by so doing, we offer the needed skills, training programs and incentives that will enhance the staff's unwavering focus and motivation on meeting and exceeding customer expectations", she said.
CIMG AWARD        
The CIMG Marketing-oriented Hospitality Facility of the Year (2022) was one of the keenly contested awards categories at the 34th Annual National Marketing Performance Awards held in Accra. It was thus considered a major feat on the day as Labadi Beach Hotel emerged the winner of the prestigious award.
This is the second consecutive time that Labadi Beach Hotel has received this award, having won that of 2021 in the year 2022.
Upon receiving the award, the Head of Sales at Labadi Beach Hotel, Mr. George Ayisi dedicated the success to the hotel's loyal and consistent customers.
According to him, "the award reflects the company's dedication and commitment to delivering the highest standards of customer satisfaction and continuous improvement in all their endeavours", he added.
Also, 'Excellence in Leadership' honours was bestowed on the Managing Director of Labadi Beach Hotel, Mr. David Eduaful at the 2nd edition of Ghana CEO Awards held in Accra, for his exceptional leadership qualities exhibited over the years.
Mr. David Eduaful has positioned himself as a leader in the hospitality industry, strengthening his credibility and reputation in the market and setting a benchmark for others to follow.  
Following the award presentation, Mr. Eduaful said, he is delighted for achieving this milestone.
"I am very humbled by this recognition; indeed, this achievement wouldn’t be possible without the immense support and guidance from our Board of Directors, led by Professor Douglas Boateng, who are committed to providing direction in corporate governance, my hardworking Management team and staff who never give up when the going gets tough. I wish to express my profound gratitude to everyone and especially to our patrons for their loyalty to our brand”.