Attack On UTV: Apology Must Come with Action . . . Punish Your People - Nana Ofori Owusu To NPP

The National Chairman of the Progressive People's Party (PPP), Nana Ofori Owusu has slammed the New Patriotic Party for not taking disciplinary action against its members who raided UTV over the weekend.

Some youth, who identified themselves as devotees of the New Patriotic Party, forcefully trooped into the premises of UTV disrupting their entertainment show "United Showbiz" which is aired live on Saturdays.

They group stalled the show for an hour till Police came to the scene and restored calm.

Sixteen of them were arrested and assisting with Police investigations.

Following the incident, the New Patriotic Party's leadership has rendered an apology to the staff and management of Despite Media, the mother company of UTV, but Nana Ofori Owusu isn't satisfied with the apology.

"Apology must follow with action," he said on Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo" to tell the New Patriotic Party to take punitive measures against the invaders.

He stressed "the party must show force that this thing they repel it", hence bring to book the youth who perpetrated such illegal act.

"They must face the book," he insisted.