Ato Essien Jailed: We're In A Country Where The Rich and Powerful Don't Face Prosecution - Lawyer Adofo 'Fumes'

A Private legal practitioner wonders why some so-called ‘powerful’ individuals escape equal punishment like the ordinary Ghanaian when found guilty of a crime.
According to Lawyer Kwame Adofo, indemnity given to those individuals is “unfair” and “discriminatory”.
“We are in a country if you are rich, powerful and connected you will not be prosecuted when you misbehave,” he said in an interview with NEAT FM’s morning show, 'Ghana Montie'.
Lawyer Adofo was discussing jailed defunct Capital Bank founder, William Ato Essien.
Mr Ato Essien has been sentenced to 15 years imprisonment with hard labour by the Accra High Court for embezzeling over GH¢90 million of the bank’s money.
But Lawyer Adofo questioned why he was going to jail alone without some powerful members of the now-collapsed bank.
Listen to the interview below