Attack On Journalist Undermines Principles Of Press Freedom - PRINPAG

The Private Newspapers and Online News Publishers Association of Ghana (PRINPAG), has expressed with concern, the distressing incident involving an attack on a journalist in the discharge of her professional duty.

The incident unfolded on Friday, October 13,2023, during the vetting process of Parliamentary aspirants of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) for the Odododiodioo constituency.

Akosua Otchere, a journalist with Accra-based Citi FM/TV in Accra, fell victim to a brutal assault by individuals allegedly affiliated with the NDC.

This egregious act of violence not only violates the core principles of press freedom but also raises significant concerns regarding the safety and security of journalists dedicated to providing impartial and objective news coverage.

“This reprehensible act of violence not only undermines the fundamental principles of press freedom, but it also raises serious concerns about the safety and security of journalists who are committed to providing unbiased and objective news coverage," part of the statement read.

This attack is coming barely a week after some political thugs affiliated with the New Patriotic Party (NPP) stomped into a live programme in the studios of United Television (UTV) in Accra.

PRINPAG described the assault on the journalist as a clear infringement on her rights to perform her duties without fear of retaliation.

The group thus urged political parties and media stakeholders in Ghana to prioritise the safety of journalists and foster an environment that upholds freedom of the press.

“It cannot be over emphasised that journalists play a critical role in our society and democratic governance, ensuring that citizens are informed and empowered to make well-informed decisions. It is paramount, therefore, that their safety is guaranteed and protected. PRINPAG calls on all political parties and all media stakeholders in the country to prioritise the safety of journalists and to create an environment that fosters freedom of the press.

“PRINPAG would like to use this opportunity to advise all politicians to caution their supporters and members to avoid violence, especially against the media, because no democracy can be effective without the active participation and involvement of the media. We also encourage the authorities to swiftly investigate this incident and to hold the perpetrators accountable, to send a strong message to all that such acts of violence against journalists will no longer be tolerated,” the statement added.