$800m Offer: Ken Agyapong Will Never Lie – Spokesperson

A spokesperson for NPP flagbearer aspirant, Kennedy Ohene Agyapong says his boss has always been candid in his political submissions over the years.
To Lawyer Amo Darteh, the flagbearer hopeful, Kennedy Agyapong, is the only politician in Ghana who can boldly spill out the truth and is not interested in sugarcoating issues to favour his party, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) or the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC).
Lawyer Amo Darteh was discussing Mr Agyapong’s claims that he was offered a whopping $800m by the Bawumia camp to drop from the NPP’s flagbearership race scheduled for November 4, 2023.
“Ken will never lie, he mentioned some names when he spoke about the money offered, why don’t we call those persons to verify,” he said in an interview with NEAT FM’s morning show, 'Ghana Montie'.
He further claimed Dr Bawumia’s campaign team is just “pretending” in rubbishing claims that there money offered to candidate Ken Agyapong.
“They are liars, they know it,” he noted.
Listen to the interview below