Aspirants' Undertaking Not To Leave The Party Is A 'Useless Piece Of Paper' - Pratt Fires NPP

Seasoned journalist, Kwesi Pratt says the undertaking agreed between the New Patriotic Party's presidential aspirants not to defect from the party after their November 4 election is "useless".

The four aspirants have signed an undertaking which binds them to remain in the New Patriotic Party regardless of the outcome of the primary election scheduled for this Saturday.

This decision was reached during a crucial meeting held between the National Council of Elders and the aspirants, aimed at fostering party cohesion and ensuring a smooth transition after the flagbearer election.

But to Kwesi Pratt, the undertaking serves no useful purpose, arguing it is not binding on the candidates and that any of them can choose to quit the NPP if he so desires.

"That paper is a useless piece of paper. It's not enforceable. If they finish the election and it doesn't go in favor of Dr. Bawumia and he decides to leave the party, nobody can force him to belong to the party", the Insight newspaper Chief Editor exclaimed.

Mr. Pratt made this assertion while joining the Friday panel of "Kokrokoo" morning show on Peace FM.