Mireku Duker Questions Mahama's 24-Hour Economy Plan . . . You Can't Just Pick Up Policies from the Internet

Deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, George Mireku Duker has questioned John Mahama's intention to introduce a 24-hour economy to help deal with the unemployment situation in the country.

Former President Mahama has reportedly proposed a 24-hour economy, which will see workers engage in a three-shift system

The 24-hour economy which will be one of the key pillars of Mahama's campaign for the 2024 presidential election, would help to boost economic growth and create jobs.

However, Mireku Duker who doubles as the Member of Parliament for Tarkwa Nsuaem contributing to a panel discussion on Peace FM's morning show 'Kokrokoo' wondered how the NDC Presidential candidate is going to achieve that when he couldn't handle "a 6-hour" economy.

"24-hour economy; what is it that you plan to do? you couldn't even sustain a 6-hour economy how much more 24 hours; how do you intend to do that? you couldn't even provide chalk for your teachers. We can't just pick up something from the internet and then just bring it up without any foundation because of political expediency," he said.